
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Valentines Day.. in Our 20's

If you are anything like me, you probably think that Valentines day is a total bust. Even if you are in a relationship with some guy who claims to like the mushy vomity romantic stuff, you never get to see the vomity romantic stuff unless its forced out of said guy.

At 23 I look at Valentines day like this:
 - stupid
 - gross
 - annoying
 - gross, don't touch me
 - pointless
 - to even look at a guy/girl makes me upchuck
 - romance is cringeworthy

But do you remember when we were all in elementary school and middle school?

We all had that dreamy crush who we wanted to pay more attention to us. I remember thinking "Oh boy Valentines day! Its the day he will finally confess his love for me!". You'd daydream about the person holding your heart walking you home and finally getting your first kiss on Valentines Day. It was almost kind of sweet when I think about it now. It was completely innocent.

But, remember the terror? The terror of receiving a Valentine from the crush and then realizing that they were forced to give a card to the entire class.

Maybe it wasn't as terrifying.

Back then all we wanted was a freaking Valentine and the candy that came along with it.

People in their 20's want candy, sex, to be paid more attention to or a night out.

Now that I think about it, not a lot has changed.

I don't want any of those things. I just want flowers. Peonies to be specific.

Whatever, have a wonderfully mushy gushy Valentines Day.

Do me a favor though, try not to make me want to puke.

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